Chips 4 Light GmbH
Am Kühlen Kasten 8
93161 Sinzing
+49 9404 641330
+49 9404 6413329
Company Registration:
Registergericht Regensburg - HRB 12115
V.A.T. ID: DE272932742
Managing Director: Dr. Wolfgang Huber, Mareike Onkelbach
Responsible for the content of this website are Dr. Wolfgang Huber and Mareike Onkelbach according to § 5 TMG.
See our terms and conditions here.
Entwicklung & Hosting:
The contents of these webpages have been thoughtfully gathered, designed and checked by Chips 4 Light GmbH.Chips 4 Light GmbH however declines any responsibility for the correctness, actuality and completeness of the information provided and/or any use thereof. Light Avenue reserves the right to update, delete and/or change the information provided without notice.
We are not liable for the contents of external links/hyperlinks although we endeavour to carefully monitor these links. The website operators remain responsible for the content of these linked sites.
Picture References: